Buyers Guide

Top 5 Tools Needed For The Successful Gold Finder

When you decide that you want to go find gold on a trip the number one thing that you can bring is yourself! Yep, you are the one that needs to have the determination and ambition to actually go out gold mining and you are hands down the best thing that you can bring on your adventure. After that there are some amazing but basic tools that you need to bring that will help you be successful on your journey. Depending on what you want the outcome of your trip to bring you can actually have a very interesting and successful trip.

Gold Pans and Gold Panning Kits – For the beginner having a good and sturdy gold pan is the best way that you can pan for gold. You take up some water and dirt into the pan and swish it around getting the sediment to settle to the bottom, you continue to do this until you get a fine black sand and gold on the bottom. Panning for gold is the oldest and easiest ways that especially someone who is beginning can really get started.



Sluice Boxes – This is a very practical way of getting gold. This piece of equipment has been in use for over 100 years if you can believe that. Its design has changed very little over that time frame which actually is very interesting and goes to show you that you can have an amazing idea right the very first time. Now they come in many different styles and designs but all basically have the same use. They come in different sizes as well which depends on how much gold mining you plan on doing during a trip.



Metal Detectors – One of the most amazing machines ever designed was the metal detector. It actually penetrates the ground below usually upwards of 8-10 inches down and using a very low frequency (VLF) it sends a current down into the earth which when it bounces off metal sends back a signal to the transmitter which is attached into headphones that the person wears. The magnetic field that is created bounces off metal objects and it sends that signal back and allows the user to dig up the areas of interest and perhaps even find gold, or any treasure hidden below.


Metal Detecting Picks – Breaking into rocks is an important part of gold mining and having a pick which has a powerful magnet on its tip will actually allow you to get rid of the trash and adhere to the precious metals that will stick to the pick.




Crevice tools – Lastly there are crevice tools which are steel tools that scratch against narrow crevices they are usually made with thick handles so that the user can really grip against it and digging out the crevices where the gold veins actually might be is a really smart idea and this tool is almost invaluable when putting together a good team of prospecting tools.